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March 02, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

Making a Post-Divorce House Move Easier for Your Kids

As a parent, divorce is a scary prospect for all manner of reasons. Aside from the emotional upheaval involved in separating from the person you thought you’d love and cherish for the rest of your lives, you’re bound to worry about your children’s wellbeing, how they will adjust to mom and dad living in different...

February 09, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

The Benefits of Child Custody Mediation

Mediation has become very popular, particularly in recent years. Some parents aren’t sure about how to start the whole process and reap the benefits of this approach. It is always helpful for having a neutral party to help parents make difficult decisions. A mediator can help you discuss important issues and reach an agreement in...

February 08, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

Concerns About Visitation Safety

It is common for divorced parents to be concerned about their children’s safety, especially when they visit the other parent. If you worry about your kids’ safety, you should first talk to your former spouse and confront the issue. If you have done so in the past, perhaps it is time to hire an experienced...

January 05, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

Helping Your Children Cope With Separation Anxiety

It is common for children of divorced parents to experience a psychiatric disorder known as Separation Anxiety Disorder. This is the clinical term used to describe the stress children experience when separated from someone they are close to, in this case, a mother or a father. While it is okay for children to experience this...

December 28, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Holiday Visitation Schedule: What’s the Best Way to Split the Holidays?

For any divorced or unmarried parents, a holiday season can get pretty hectic and stressful – but not if you take care of your holiday visitation schedule in advance. In 90% of all cases, when two parents have joint physical custody, the other parent will want to spend at least some portion of the holiday...

November 30, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Some Things Can Break Your Custody Case

Divorce is never enjoyable, especially if you have to deal with a quarrelsome spouse. Things can get messier when children are involved. Both parents want to keep the children and will do everything they can to prove one of the divorcing parties is unfit for custody. If you and your former spouse can’t agree on...

November 16, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Ways to Make Your Visitation Schedule Fun

Visitation schedules are an essential aspect of the divorce process. It is very important to choose a visitation schedule that works well for both parents and the children. Whether you and your former spouse can come up with your own visitation arrangement or the court helps you create one, make it fun, and a priority...

October 21, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

How Substance Abuse Can Affect Child Custody in Florida?

If you are worried about your former spouse’s drug or alcohol use around your children, you can find legal ways to protect your children from this toxic environment. Courts generally get involved during a child custody hearing or when complaints are reported to the state. It is important you take action if you believe that...

September 29, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Time Sharing For The Upcoming Holidays

As the holidays approach, you may want to explore some useful timesharing tips. The holidays are generally stressful for some families, and even more so for divorcees who have a difficult time trying to decide who keeps the children during this hectic time of the year. Remember the holidays are a magical time for your...

August 25, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

The Ideal Parenting Plan

A good parenting plan can help parents with a busy schedule manage their time effectively and spend quality time with their children. It can provide many other benefits and make the whole divorce process, including child custody and visitation, easier to navigate. Some families feel more comfortable working with a mediator or a Fort Lauderdale...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.