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June 22, 2018.
posted in Divorce

5 Tips for Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

Coming to the decision that it’s time to get a divorce is never easy, even if you’ve seen the marriage deteriorate with your own eyes. This is a conversation that everyone dreads having, especially if heated arguments are common between you and your spouse. Make sure you plan your discussion, what you are going to...

June 16, 2018.
posted in Alimony Spousal Support

7 Smart Ways to Use Your Alimony Payments

Being on the receiving end of alimony payments is common for those who have finalized a divorce in Fort Lauderdale. You are receiving these payments because of the length of your marriage, the assets of each spouse, your lifestyle, and the length of time it will take you to find a job so you can...

June 15, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

5 Tips for Making the Exchange of Child Custody Safe for Everyone

The exchange of child custody in Fort Lauderdale can be very stressful for everyone involved, especially the child. If you have a difficult time getting along with the other parent of your child it can be challenging to see them when exchanging custody. Children must be the focal point of any relationship and they should...

June 09, 2018.
posted in Family Law

Things to Consider When Getting a Divorce

Divorce can be messy. We all know that. One episode of Divorce Court will tell you that. Now instead of watching it, you lived through it. You thought you knew what you were getting yourself into but, you didn’t consider all the aspects of divorce. What happens when you have children involved? Will you get...

June 08, 2018.
posted in Alimony Spousal Support

The Consequences Of Not Paying Alimony That Will Make You Think Twice Before Missing That Payment

“What can possibly go wrong if I miss an alimony payment or two – or stop making these payments altogether?” this is the thought that crosses the minds of millions of divorced persons who have a legal obligation to pay alimony to their former spouse after a divorce. Weeks or months later, that thought is...

June 02, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Does It Matter Which Spouse Files For Divorce First? It Actually Does In Florida

Breaking up with someone is one of the most difficult decisions a person can face in their life. In fact, in our society, there is a stigma associated with being the one broken up with, while the one who initiates a breakup is thought to have the upper hand from an emotional and psychological standpoint....

June 01, 2018.
posted in Divorce

The Royal Saudi Divorce

We hear this question again and again when a couple decides to get a divorce. How are we going to split the real estate? Sometimes the decision is amicable and the real estate that is owned by both parties participating in the divorce is split with not a lot of fuss. However, more often than...

May 25, 2018.
posted in Alimony Spousal Support

Options for Spousal Support in Florida

Very often when a couple is going through a divorce there are many financial issues that need to be sorted out, such as child support, child custody, division of assets, and debts. However, the financial issue that causes the most confusion and apprehension is spousal support. Everyone understands the need to pay child custody, in...

May 24, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Same Sex Marriages and the Hurdles of Divorce

In 2015 Florida gave all LGBT couples the right to marry, a big milestone in LGBT rights and a huge victory for LGBT advocates and communities. However, even though Florida law has made leaps and bounds when it comes to the laws of LGBT communities, grey areas still exist. One of these hurdles is divorce....

May 18, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Various Routes That Can Be Taken For Divorce

Ending a short-term marriage has just as many hurdles as any other divorce. In the unfortunate event of a divorce, it is very important to research all your option on how to proceed. In Florida, there are three different routes you can take to get a divorce, and it is essential that you pick the...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.