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May 18, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Various Routes That Can Be Taken For Divorce

Ending a short-term marriage has just as many hurdles as any other divorce. In the unfortunate event of a divorce, it is very important to research all your option on how to proceed. In Florida, there are three different routes you can take to get a divorce, and it is essential that you pick the...

May 11, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Community (Joint) Debt After A Divorce: Who Gets To Pay It Back?

What happens to community (joint) debt after a divorce? Unfortunately, community debt – debt created by one or both spouses during their marriage – does not melt away like a snowball after a marriage ends. So what happens to it and which spouse is legally obliged to pay it back? The two of the most...

April 20, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Buying a Property Mid-Divorce, Can I Protect It?

Division of property can be one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce, as you and your former spouse may have become attached to your assets. You may also each have strong opinions about what you are entitled to, or perhaps, what they are most definitely not entitled to. In Florida, divorce courts use...

April 13, 2018.
posted in Property Division

Is There a Property Division Dispute in Giuliani Divorce?

As any property division lawyer in Fort Lauderdale or further afield, can attest to, a division of marital property can be one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. While emotions are running high and both spouses are coming to terms with the changes in their lives, deciding who owns what can be more...

April 12, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Is Divorce Down to Genetics? Research Suggests It Can Run in the Family

There can be an abundance of reasons why a couple may decide to divorce, and one of these, according to popular opinion, is that the children of divorced parents can be more likely to divorce themselves. Psychologists have appeared to back this hypothesis up for quite a while, but more recent research suggests that it...

April 05, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Divorce and Your Business: Property Division

Property division in Florida is required to be “equitable.” That does not mean that it will always be even, but it is supposed to be as fair as possible after considering each person’s circumstances. Business assets, however, are often treated slightly differently compared to other types of property in a divorce. Keep in mind that...

March 23, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Divorce in Florida: How Much Does it Cost? (You May Be Surprised)

If you are on the brink of a divorce or are about to file a divorce petition, the thought “Okay, how much does a divorce cost in Florida?” has probably crossed your mind once or twice. In a nutshell, a divorce is rather pricey, especially in Fort Lauderdale and other cities in Florida. We brought...

March 09, 2018.
posted in Property Division

Fair Property Division May Promote Peaceful Divorces

So, your ‘happily ever after turned out to be another disappointment. You’ve decided leaving would improve your chances to regain sanity, and put your children in better positions to succeed. However, your spouse simply doesn’t want to be left without something to start over with. In your mind, it’s hurt them where it hurts most...

March 01, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Using Incompetence to Delay Divorce Proceedings

If you’ve been keeping up-to-date with Florida news over the past few months, you will more than likely be familiar with the alleged delaying tactics employed by former Clerk of Courts Brenda Forman in her ongoing divorce proceedings. Mrs. Forman had claimed that her estranged husband, also a former Clerk of Courts, was incompetent, and...

February 15, 2018.
posted in Property Division

What Factors Are Considered in Property Division During a Florida Divorce?

If you’re on the brink of ending your marriage or are currently divorcing your spouse in Fort Lauderdale or elsewhere in Florida, you’re probably wondering what factors are taken into account by judges when dividing property in a divorce. Say no more. You’ve come to the right place. Under Florida divorce laws, the property is...

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For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.