Our office is open and ready to assist you with your Family Law needs. We also offer Zoom video conferencing service for clients who prefer to meet remotely versus in person.
July 14, 2022.
posted in Child Custody

Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Child Custody Case

Child custody disputes are often among the most contentious issues that can arise during a divorce. If you’re involved in a battle for custody of your children, you need to protect yourself by not making mistakes that can jeopardize your chances of securing an ideal outcome. Examples include: Posting on Social Media It is very...

July 21, 2021.
posted in Child Custody

Tips for Ensuring a Successful Child Custody Case

Child custody cases following a divorce can be difficult for everyone involved. Mother, father, grandparents, and child alike, there is no guarantee that every member of the family is going to get everything they want. Luckily, there are some tips that The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. suggests you take into consideration to ensure...

May 17, 2021.
posted in Child Custody

Child Custody and Alimony Revision Florida Law

Efforts to revamp alimony laws in the state of Florida have been ongoing with supporters and detractors from both sides of the aisle. A Proposal HB 1559, supported and sponsored by Miami Representative Anthony Rodriguez R., was passed In the House Judiciary Committee with a 12-6 vote. While some people have argued that the bill...

May 17, 2019.
posted in Child Custody

A Florida Couple Loses Custody Of Their Child Over Medical Treatment Issues

We know that most parents want to do what is right for their children. Their safety is the number one concern. However, if you have been watching the news lately, you have likely seen the case of a Florida couple that lost custody of their child due to issues over chemotherapy treatments. Today, we want...

May 03, 2019.
posted in Alimony Spousal Support

3 Tips When Dealing With Alimony

Divorce is a complex situation. First, you and your spouse have to discuss if this the future that you both want. No matter how sure you are of a divorce, it is still an emotional rollercoaster. Each person’s divorce is unique. Even though around 50% of marriages end in a divorce, how your split up...

April 12, 2019.
posted in Child Support

Difference Between Child Support and Child Custody

When a family goes through a divorce, the children are the most vulnerable. Children don’t understand complex adult emotions and therefore may have trouble understanding why they are living with only one parent instead of both. Our Fort Lauderdale child support attorney at The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. has experience working with...

April 06, 2019.
posted in Divorce

5 Complications Of Divorce

The easiest part of divorce is deciding that it is going to happen. If you and your partner have chosen to divorce then you need an attorney on your side to help you throughout the process. Divorce isn’t just getting some paperwork to a judge. Even though Florida is a no-fault divorce state, there are...

April 05, 2019.
posted in Child Support

Can You Be Arrested for Failure to Pay Child Support in Florida?

Parents who are ordered to pay child support in the state of Florida are expected to make timely payments as agreed. To fail to do so puts the parent at risk of sanctions against them by the state, and this includes being arrested and jailed for up to 179 days. Still, even though the arrest...

March 22, 2019.
posted in Child Custody

How Does The Vaccine Debate Play Out In A Divorce?

If you have watched the news at all over the last few years, you have likely seen plenty of debate about parents making the decision not to vaccinate their children. Lately, the debate has gotten much louder as outbreaks of measles occur in areas of the country where the vaccination rate is low. But does...

March 16, 2019.
posted in Divorce

How Is Social Media Affecting Kids During A Divorce?

We know that despite what is going on with you and your spouse, you want what is best for your children. The Florida family court thinks it is in the best interest of all parties to have both parents involved in a child’s life if possible. That is why we were intrigued to learn that...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.