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December 22, 2017.
posted in Divorce

Jason Taylor’s Ex-wife Ends Lawsuit

Former Miami Dolphin football player Jason Taylor’s wife had secretly filed for divorce in Broward County back in 2015. He had promised to pay her $8.67 million as a lump-sum spousal support payment. Apparently, he never paid that amount so she recently sued him for $3.4 million in a Fort Lauderdale court. Taylor is also...

December 07, 2017.
posted in Family Law

Co-parenting During The Holidays

The holiday season has arrived and with it many challenges for divorcing couples, particularly those who have minor children. Children tend to have a hard time coping with new holiday traditions and a different schedule from the one they are accustomed to. In the midst of chaos, you can still have the holidays you wished...

November 30, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Some Things Can Break Your Custody Case

Divorce is never enjoyable, especially if you have to deal with a quarrelsome spouse. Things can get messier when children are involved. Both parents want to keep the children and will do everything they can to prove one of the divorcing parties is unfit for custody. If you and your former spouse can’t agree on...

November 16, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Ways to Make Your Visitation Schedule Fun

Visitation schedules are an essential aspect of the divorce process. It is very important to choose a visitation schedule that works well for both parents and the children. Whether you and your former spouse can come up with your own visitation arrangement or the court helps you create one, make it fun, and a priority...

November 03, 2017.
posted in Divorce

Mistakes You Should Avoid When Parenting After Divorce

It takes time to get over a divorce. There will be lingering tensions over child custody and child support issues. Other contentious issues related to co-parenting may also arise. The truth is that divorce recovery can be a slow process you are not prepared to handle on your own without having a Fort Lauderdale divorce...

November 02, 2017.
posted in Paternity

Establishing Paternity Can Benefit Everyone

Not establishing paternity early can be detrimental to a child’s physical and emotional development. It can also affect the whole family in so many ways. Some people enjoy watching reality shows dealing with paternity issues. But the truth is that fathers seeking to establish paternity in the real world have to cope with painful emotions...

October 27, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

What Are Father’s Custody Rights After and During Divorce?

There’s one divorce approximately every 36 seconds in the United States. That’s over 875,000 divorces a year, or 2,400 divorces per day! If there’s one thing you should take away from the shocking divorce statistics in the U.S. is that you’re not alone if you’re planning to get a divorce soon or are in the...

October 21, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

How Substance Abuse Can Affect Child Custody in Florida?

If you are worried about your former spouse’s drug or alcohol use around your children, you can find legal ways to protect your children from this toxic environment. Courts generally get involved during a child custody hearing or when complaints are reported to the state. It is important you take action if you believe that...

September 29, 2017.
posted in Child Custody

Time Sharing For The Upcoming Holidays

As the holidays approach, you may want to explore some useful timesharing tips. The holidays are generally stressful for some families, and even more so for divorcees who have a difficult time trying to decide who keeps the children during this hectic time of the year. Remember the holidays are a magical time for your...

September 14, 2017.
posted in Divorce

Senior Divorcees Can Face Unique Challenges

Some people like to wait until their gray years to untie the knot. After spending a lifetime together, they realize they have been fooling each other too long. While every long-term relationship may experience some disagreements and stormy years, there comes a day when the ship must sail away to fairer horizons. Some couples with...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.