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December 08, 2017.
posted in Divorce

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

With over 70 percent of Americans using social media, it is common seeing divorcees pouring their hearts out on platforms such as Facebook. It is a popular place for people to share their whereabouts and family life. But sharing too much can hurt your divorce case. Some posts can be used as evidence during divorce proceedings. Think of all the things posted by friends and family as well and how they can affect you. Ask a Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney about the legal implications of social media.

Your Virtual Getaway

Some research suggests that social media can help you relieve stress. It depends on how often you engage in these platforms and what type of information you are sharing. Some people looking at their friends’ amazing lives may feel discouraged. But you can also feel that you have a bigger support system when you engage in social media. Just be careful about how you use social media. It can definitely ruin your life. Sharing a stressful event in your life such as divorce can make you feel more stressed and become a problem in court.

Your Posts Aren’t That Private

Nothing is private on the internet. Once you share something, someone out there practically owns it. Remember you and your soon-to-be-ex probably have mutual friends who will eventually choose sides. In other words, your ex will find out about your whereabouts through these contacts and this information may contradict important documents already filed in court. Also, some of your friends may tag you in a controversial or negative post, which may also hurt your case.

Focus On The Best Interests of Your Children

Some social media posts contain information about infidelity, drug abuse, or any other unacceptable behavior that could be harmful to your divorce and child custody case. You want to convince the court you are a responsible parent yet your social media post-activity contradicts your statements. The court will not believe you are a capable and loving parent if you post pictures of you and your friends under the influence. A judge could determine that awarding custody to you is not good for the children. Also, if you are putting down the other parent, the court may not trust you to become the custodial parent. The custodial parent should be mature enough to understand that children growing up with both parents are more stable.

Stop Using Social Media and Contact Us

As an experienced family law firm, we have seen what social media can do during divorce proceedings. It can be used to prove or disprove the legal aspects of your divorce. Your ex may be hunting for information to win the child custody or child support battle, therefore, you must be armed with the best legal resources. We can protect your interests and put you in the best position to win. Call us today and schedule a free private case assessment with Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Gustavo E. Frances.

When you need an attorney, you can contact us by click here or calling at 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.

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