On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.
If you are going through a divorce and there are minor children involved, we understand that this is an incredibly difficult time. This process can be even more emotionally fraught if the other parent works to actively isolate you from your children. At The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A., our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer wants to discuss parental alienation and how we may be able to help avoid it in the aftermath of your divorce.
What Is Parental Alienation And How Can It Affect You?
Parental alienation syndrome is a term that was coined several decades ago by a child psychiatrist, Doctor Richard A. Gardner. This syndrome occurs when one parent works to turn the couple’s child or children against the other parent. They often do this by painting the other parent in a negative light, continually bashing the other parent in front of the child, and working to actively deny the other parent their custody and visitation rights.
According to Susan Heitler, Ph.D., she says that in her clinical practice, the alienating parent is usually the mother who turns the children against their father. However, she has also seen the reverse, where a father turns the children against their mother. She says that, in many cases, it is the more wealthy parent who is able to afford legal challenges that most often does the alienating.
Researchers found that parental alienation is detrimental to the child. They have seen this as a form of child maltreatment, and they say that parental alienation undermines the basic principle of social justice for children – the right to know be cared for by both parents.
How Can An Attorney Help With This?
At The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, we are dedicated to helping combat parental alienation before it starts. This includes helping you from the very beginning of your divorce to ensure that you are treated fairly throughout the entire process. Even in a contested divorce, you have the right to a process that ensures all parental rights remain intact, including child custody and visitation issues.
If you suspect that your former spouse has been alienating your children and abusing child custody and visitation, you can work through the courts for a resolution. We can help you through that entire process.
Let Us Help You Through This Today
If you are going through a divorce, or are already separated you may be worried about parental alienation. We understand this fear, and we are here to help. At The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A., our knowledgeable and experienced team thoroughly understands Florida family law and we are ready to help ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible. We will help with all aspects of your divorce case and work to ensure that you are treated fairly. If you are already divorced but are experiencing issues with child custody or visitation, we will work through the family court system to resolve the issue. When you need a Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.
Attorney, Child Custody, Divorce Lawyer, Fort Lauderdale, Lawyer