On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.
Divorce isn’t always a negative experience. On the contrary, getting a divorce can often yield positive benefits for all involved in the long run. If two spouses are unable to remain happy in their marriage, getting divorced can:
- Boost the overall life satisfaction of each spouse
- Allow spouses to maintain a friendship instead of becoming bitter enemies
- Allow children to avoid growing up in a home where their parents are constantly fighting
However, even if you believe getting a divorce is necessary, you might still be reluctant to move forward with one. Sometimes, a person simply doesn’t know how to bring the topic up with their spouse.
Telling your spouse you want a divorce can be challenging for understandable reasons. There is also no one “right” way to go about breaking this news because different spouses will have different reactions.
It’s always best to apply your own judgment when determining how to tell a spouse you want a divorce. You know this person better than most, so you know how they’re likely to respond. That said, the following general tips may help you prepare:
Know you want a divorce
Divorce shouldn’t necessarily be something you’re merely considering when you ask your spouse for one. By the time you bring up the subject, you should be confident you want to get a divorce.
If you’re not completely sure you wish to get a divorce, your spouse might be able to convince you this is a bad idea. Or, you might damage what could be a potentially healthy marriage if you bring up the topic of divorce during a time when you’re simply going through a rough patch that can be overcome.
Be thorough
Your spouse might not immediately agree that getting a divorce is necessary. They may push back, arguing the marriage is still salvageable.
Prepare for this by listing the various reasons you think the marriage can’t be saved. This doesn’t merely involve listing recent problems you’ve been having. You should reference underlying issues that have caused difficulties for a long time, and you should be prepared to discuss how you’ve tried to fix the marriage in numerous ways, none of which have proven effective.
Choose the right time and location
Choosing the ideal setting in which to bring up the topic of divorce with your spouse is critical. Factors to account for when choosing a time and place in which to have this conversation may include (but are not necessarily limited to):
- Whether there are likely to be any interruptions
- Whether you will need to be able to leave quickly if your spouse becomes angry
- Whether you’ll have sufficient time to discuss the matter in detail
Hire an Attorney
If you haven’t already hired a divorce lawyer before breaking the news to your spouse, research your options so you’re prepared to hire one immediately after doing so. Except in unique circumstances, you should be the one to explain that you want a divorce. However, once the process begins, you need an attorney on your side to ensure you have representation.
At The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances P.A, you’ll find an experienced and compassionate Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney who understands this can be a challenging experience. He’s on hand to help you navigate it more easily. Get started today by contacting our office online or calling us at 954-533-2756.