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October 06, 2017.
posted in Alimony Spousal Support

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

It is natural having many questions throughout the divorce process. One of the most common concerns among many divorcees is the financial support they expect to receive after getting divorced; commonly known as alimony or spousal support. Understanding how alimony is calculated in Florida with the help of a Fort Lauderdale alimony attorney is crucial if you want to protect your interests and the interests of your children. Depending on the circumstances surrounding a divorce, one of the partners may need to provide financial support to his or her former spouse.

Calculating Alimony in Florida

Alimony is a legal requirement in Florida. The alimony award can help the estranged spouse meet his or her financial needs after separation. But judges may consider some factors when calculating alimony. For example, things such as the health of each partner, the standard of living, and age, may be considered when determining alimony payments. Also, the length of your marriage, marital assets, and spouses’ roles are huge factors when calculating spousal support in Florida.

Most people expect women to receive alimony but that’s not always the case. Many women are currently earning more than men, therefore, they may provide alimony as well as child support payments.

Types of Alimony

  • Temporary alimony: This is when the separation process is not yet complete. It helps a spouse throughout the divorce process. However, once the divorce is final, your temporary alimony will end. The court will take a look at different factors such as living expenses and other basic needs when calculating temporary alimony.
  • Rehabilitative Florida alimony: This is when there is an underemployed spouse who needs support. Living and education expenses should be included. However, the spouse needs to look for employment and seek to improve his or her lifestyle otherwise the court may stop the support.
  • Permanent alimony: This alimony is permanent and it usually ends when the beneficiary spouse remarries again or dies.

Alimony Rules

Judges generally calculate alimony from the date of your marriage to the date your divorce complaint was filed. In other words, judges will not grant payments longer than the length of your marriage. If your marriage lasted 7 years, for instance, you will receive alimony for 7 years. Alimony is awarded in marriages that lasted more than seven years and less than 17 years.

Changing or Ending Spousal Support

Alimony payments can stop if the cessation period expired; the beneficiary spouse remarries or dies, when children become grown-ups, or if the beneficiary spouse is not making enough effort to seek financial independence. A judge may modify your spousal support if the supporting spouse retires, becomes ill, or when his or her income fluctuates.

We understand that calculating spousal support is important for you and your family. This is why we are here to answer any questions you may have and make your divorce process much easier. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with Fort Lauderdale alimony lawyer Gustavo E. Frances.

When you need an attorney, you can contact us by calling at 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.

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