On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.
Creating a family is always a blessing, but we have this narrative in our society that families who don’t stay together are broken. This is a lie. Sometimes our family life doesn’t fit into the social narrative, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Divorce is a sad time, but it is also a fertile time for a change. Change is scary, but when you do it right and with the right intention, change can be this really amazing journey for you and your family.
Divorce is always heartbreaking, but the easiest kind of divorce is uncontested. This means that you and your partner have agreed upon where your assets will go, how you allocate for your properties and other material goods. This can also be really helpful if you and your spouse are divorcing with children.
Our time-sharing and child custody lawyer at The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale, we have the experience, resources, and education to navigate the court system when it comes to dealing with the future of your children. We are aware of the common issues that go along with court decisions and we want to be transparent about what we know.
What We Can Do For You
First, our attorneys recognize that the language of the courts is straying from win-lose language. Instead, they are focusing on keeping the language fair and as inclusive as possible. This is for the interest of your children as well as a reminder that time-sharing and child custody is not about winning or losing. We want everyone to win. We want you to feel comfortable with the decision between you and your spouse. But, in order for the courts to be fair, there is a lot of information that needs to be shared. Here is a list of factors our attorneys will help assess in order to come up with the best time-sharing schedule for your children:
- Facilitating Frequent Contact: we know that the divorce happened for a reason and your ex-partner is really the one you want to talk to, but in order to get the best plan for your children, we need to see how well you and your ex-partner navigate calendars and changes.
- Determining Parental Responsibilities: We need to assess who is best responsible for which parental tasks
- Looking at where the child(ren) have lived the longest and most stable
- The geographic locations of each partner in order to see how to best place the children at different times, if needed
- The moral or ethical fitness of each partner
- The mental and physical health of each partner
- School and community record of the child(ren)
As you can see this is a job we must do together. Our time-sharing and child custody attorney at The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale is aware that this journey can get emotional. We are here for you and we are on your side. Give us a call at 954-533-2756 or click here to learn more about how we can turn this into a stress-less situation.