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March 15, 2019.
posted in Child Custody

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

Building a family takes time, patience, finances, and support. Children must have a home and access to food and water as a minimum. Children are often the first to feel the negative effects of divorce. As a parent, you try to shield your child as much as you can, but it is just inevitable. Divorce means change. Change is always good, but sometimes to get to the good you have to go through the bad.

Statistically, children of divorce tend to experience more mental health problems and have a higher high school dropout rate. Of course, this does not mean that this is the fate of your children. There are plenty of children who beat the odds and end up growing into better people because their parents, in the end, are happier. It takes a village to get children to get over this, but together we can figure out the best child custody plan as well as work out your divorce. Our child custody lawyer at The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale is here to help you through this emotional situation. So let’s start talking about child custody.

Where To Begin

First, gone are the days where children were forced to testify in court on which parent they were willing to stay with most. Florida is strict on assessing child support and ensuring that the child or children end up in the best home possible. The court has an extensive evaluation process for each parent. The court looks with great scrutiny at a parent’s income, bills, home, job, mental health, criminal background, financial background, and overall moral compass of a person. Each parent has to go through questions and testing to see which parent cannot only financially provide, but also emotionally provide for the child.

If you want your child to testify, the courts do not like setting children up on the witness stand. Instead, they set up an “in camera” interview. This kind of interview is where the judge of your case sits one on one with the child and asks them questions. This process seems to be less intimidating and traumatic for their child. Whatever the child says is taken into consideration, but the courts still look at the evaluations overall.

What We Can Do For You

If you are in the middle of a divorce and trying to discern who has custody, the last thing you want to do is freak out and have a mental breakdown. Because you are under so much scrutiny from the courts, let our child custody attorney help you by taking on the legal burden. We will do everything we can to fiercely support you and communicate the message that you deserve to have that child in your life. Call 954-533-2756 or click here to start your conversation with our child custody attorney at The Law Office Of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A. today.

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