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February 15, 2018.
posted in Property Division

What Factors Are Considered in Property Division During a Florida Divorce?

If you’re on the brink of ending your marriage or are currently divorcing your spouse in Fort Lauderdale or elsewhere in Florida, you’re probably wondering what factors are taken into account by judges when dividing property in a divorce. Say no more. You’ve come to the right place. Under Florida divorce laws, the property is...

February 02, 2018.
posted in Property Division

What’s Your Is Yours – Dividing Property During Divorce Fairly

While all states have different rules about property division, Florida involves an equitable division of your assets. It all comes down to one thing, property division should be fair, no matter how much you dislike your former spouse. Some important aspects to consider when dividing property fairly include: How long you have been married? Your...

February 01, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Taxes and Divorce

If you are filing for divorce, you may not be thinking about how this decision can affect your taxes. However, divorce can have a huge impact on your taxes and also on your finances. This is why it is important you hire an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer to help you calculate the costs and make...

January 27, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Sailing Through A Gray Divorce

Most married couples plan to spend a lifetime together and raise their children to make a difference in the world.  But the truth is their desire to stick together through the good and the bad may not be enough to help their relationship stay afloat. Some things you can’t change no matter how hard you...

January 18, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Parenting After Divorce – Your Survival Kit

If you live in South Florida, you are probably familiar with the hurricane season and how devastating it can be. As with every natural disaster, you need a survival kit to weather the storm. The same thing is true for divorce. It is definitely like a storm hitting a house but the damages are all...

January 13, 2018.
posted in Divorce

Couples Who Met Online are More Likely to Get Divorced

Everybody talks about the wonders of online dating and how amazing it is. It is a necessity for some people who may be too busy with their careers and without free time to meet someone. But things have changed quite a bit since the World Wide Web took over. People change jobs and relationships very...

January 12, 2018.
posted in Divorce

The Season of Divorce

Most people like to make a fresh start in the new year. Whether that includes career goals or personal goals, the winter season is loaded with surprises and new beginnings. This is particularly true for couples who have reached a winter in their marriage. January seems like the right time to untie the knot. In...

January 05, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

Helping Your Children Cope With Separation Anxiety

It is common for children of divorced parents to experience a psychiatric disorder known as Separation Anxiety Disorder. This is the clinical term used to describe the stress children experience when separated from someone they are close to, in this case, a mother or a father. While it is okay for children to experience this...

January 04, 2018.
posted in Uncontested Divorce

Advantages of Uncontested Divorce

While couples file for divorce for several reasons, the main cause is generally their irreconcilable differences. This doesn’t mean they can’t agree on anything. Some couples are able to set aside their differences and have an amicable divorce or separation. This is called an uncontested divorce, which means the divorcing couple can dissolve their marriage...

December 29, 2017.
posted in Divorce

How the Holiday Season (And High Stress Levels) May Destroy Your Marriage and Lead to Divorce

Undoubtedly, the holiday season is the most stressful time of year. Holiday preparations, buying gifts, sending out invitations, trying to budget properly to not go bankrupt with all the holiday spending… It’s a lot to handle. High stress levels and the unbearable amount of pressure associated with the holidays can become a real test of...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.