On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.
In matters of child custody or child support in Florida, it is often necessary for a father to establish his rights in order to validate his legal presence in a child’s life. Interestingly, paternity does not always refer to a biological father. It merely means that a person is legally establishing a parent/child relationship.
Once a father has established paternity, he is met with certain responsibilities and obligations. He also then has a say in the care and upbringing of his son or daughter. In situations where the father no longer has an ongoing relationship with a child’s mother, legal challenges may arise regarding child custody and support.
The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A., helps parents establish (or disestablish) paternity. Our legal team serves clients on both sides of these issues. We are prepared to help mothers who are seeking to establish paternity in order to receive child support to which they may be entitled. We also assist many fathers who wish to contest paternity.
DNA testing is a common means for establishing paternity. It is necessary to file a petition in court to request that this test be conducted. This is typically the case when parents in question are not married. In situations where married parents are facing child custody or support problems, paternity is always assumed unless someone states otherwise.
In order for a Florida parent to determine the best course of action to take in a particular situation, The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A., offers clear and thorough counsel in an economically feasible manner. Regardless of which side of the paternity issue you are on, you may call our office to request a meeting with an experienced attorney. Many times, just talking about a situation with a skilled negotiator is enough to help parents progress toward an amicable solution.
When you need a divorce attorney in Fort Lauderdale, you can contact us by calling 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.