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November 02, 2017.
posted in Paternity

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

Not establishing paternity early can be detrimental to a child’s physical and emotional development. It can also affect the whole family in so many ways. Some people enjoy watching reality shows dealing with paternity issues. But the truth is that fathers seeking to establish paternity in the real world have to cope with painful emotions and face legal obstacles only a Fort Lauderdale paternity lawyer is equipped to handle. Yet this decision can be very beneficial to all the parties involved.

Some unmarried couples in Florida raise their children without proof of paternity. It is important that dads in this situation understand that if the relationship with the mother ever ends, they will have no legal right to their kids. So establishing paternity can help you with the following:

  • Child custody and visitation rights.
  • You can request school records as well as pick up your child should an emergency arise.
  • You can be involved in your child’s health care and consent to treatment when necessary.
  • A legal connection
  • Your name is on your child’s birth certificate

Establishing paternity can also benefit the mother. It is very stressful and frustrating for moms who find themselves in a relationship with a man who doesn’t want to assume responsibility for their children. So these women decide to raise their children alone without help from the alleged father. Some may avoid contact with the father and move to another state. But the truth is that establishing paternity can be very beneficial for the mother as the father will be responsible to support the child financially and ease the burden of single-parent caregiving. Mothers can also claim social security benefits and health benefits for their children, should something happen to their former spouses or children’s father.

But the ones that benefit most from establishing paternity are the children. Divorced parents are so involved in coping with their own emotions that they don’t have time to think about how withholding paternity can impact their children. Children need to cultivate their relationship with both parents. They like to identify with their family and build an emotional connection with their father and mother. Children without a legal father may struggle in life.

The mother’s marital status is very important when determining paternity. If the mother was married at the time of birth, her husband is the presumed legal father so he is obligated under Florida law to provide child support. However, a man who believes he is not the biological father can petition the court to disestablish paternity through DNA testing, which can be a complex legal process if you do not hire adequate legal representation.

A father seeking to establish paternity can do so voluntarily or through a court order. Notwithstanding the circumstances surrounding your case, you must understand family law can be complicated to navigate on your own. Securing the assistance of a knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale paternity attorney will help you reach the desired outcome.

When you need a Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney, you can contact us by click here or calling at 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.

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