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February 08, 2018.
posted in Child Custody

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

It is common for divorced parents to be concerned about their children’s safety, especially when they visit the other parent. If you worry about your kids’ safety, you should first talk to your former spouse and confront the issue. If you have done so in the past, perhaps it is time to hire an experienced Fort Lauderdale child custody lawyer to help you figure out the best approach to communicating with your ex and taking legal action if necessary.

Genuine Concerns

If you feel that your ex is not a responsible parent, the court can take a look at your circumstances. Courts take child safety very seriously. Judges will take their time investigating the matter and making child custody decisions that are fair for everyone, but most importantly for the children. Before custody or visitation is granted, the judge will study the allegations to determine if they are true. Other family services may also become involved in your case. They may contact your neighbors, family, and your children’s teachers in an effort to gather facts. The accused parent will spend time with the children but sometimes the visits are supervised to make sure the child is safe.

When Your Ex-says Your Accusations Are Untrue

In order to support your case, you will have to hire experienced legal counsel. If your ex-has exhibited abusive behavior in the past, it is important you gather evidence to prove it otherwise the court will not believe it. Some important evidence includes medical records, police records, and witness testimony. Also, if your children visited a therapist to treat traumatic experiences of abuse, you should also obtain records of these visits.

In some cases, children will continue showing symptoms of abuse so the custodial parent may have to take them to a mental health professional. The therapist can review the case and provide expert advice. If you take your case before the judge, the judge may also order another therapist to make sure that your child’s mental health status is legit. Sadly, your child will have to go through a lot of evaluations to confirm the abuse or harm actually occurred.

Protect Your Kids

If your former spouse threatens to harm you and your children, you should request a protective order in a local family court. A temporary order can be issued so your ex can no longer come near you or your children.

Seek Expert Legal Counsel

A good attorney can deal with your situation and make sure your children are fully protected. It can be frustrating having to wait or not knowing what to do in order to protect your child. Hire a legal representative you can depend on, someone that meets your expectations. Believe that you will get to the other side because you will.

We strongly encourage you to seek expert legal counsel.

When you need a Fort Lauderdale family law attorney, you can contact us by click here or calling at 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.

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